Saturday, August 1, 2009

Celebrate Samhain!~

Samhain, pronounced “sow-en or sow-in” is the most magical and important night of the year for Pagans, Wiccans and Celts throughout the world. Exactly opposite Beltane on the Wheel of the Year, Samhain is Beltane’s dark twin and the Witches New Year. Samhain rituals begin at sundown October 31st when the veil between the worlds of humans and spirits is at its thinnest and the dead return to visit their kin. The modern world recognizes this holiday as Halloween.

The Samhain season celebrates the thinning of the veil between the worlds of humans and spirits. The veil begins to thin about Oct 15th with the veil at its very thinnest upon the eve of Oct 31st. The holiday season goes to about thru Nov 10th or so. During this time, divination is at its highest point. Use a crystal pendulum to divine answers for yourself and your loved ones during the Samhain season and during your Samhain ritual.

Samhain is the celebration of death. The time to connect with our ancestors who have passed on and invite them once again, into our lives. A time to embrace our heritage reminding ourselves of the connection we have with those who have gone before us into the great beyond. To celebrate their lives and the memories we hold dear. We have not forgotten you ~

Samhain Ritual Items available at the White Magick Shoppe ~

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